Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cabin fever...

I spent the first half of the day visitng my father & then getting some service work done on the car. Now I'm back home... and I do NOT want to be. I don't feel like setting here for the rest of the evening avoiding the roommates. I just don't want to be around right now but can't think of anywhere to go. This stinks!

I feel like a prisoner. I really need to manufacture some extra-curricular activities to get me out of the house. I was thinking about going shooting but that's expensive & would only kill a few hours. I should go running... but I don't feel like it & will most likely go tomorrow morning anyhow.

I could grab a book, take a drive & park someplace where I could spend a few hours reading... overcast... dusk will be around 7:30 PM tonight. I could go somewhere for dinner... eat alone... that might be better than setting here. I don't feel like surfing. No decent movies at the $2 theater... & I don't feel like dealing with movie morons right now anyhow.

Hmmm... shooting... Maybe a quick trip to the range & then dinner. What to shoot though. The Kimber & the Sig 228 are out... but the Kimber is a hassle to clean. The 228 was supposed ot be my carry gun for this period... but I cannot find the carry holster. Sheesh. Maybe I should just take a nap.

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