It's going to take me several weeks to scrape the money together anyhow. If I decide that I like it, then I'll continue. If not... then it's going to be back to American Combato & studying under Bradley J. Steiner. Of course, there are some issues with the KM school. For one thing, I wish they held classes more than twice per week. If I end up missing more than one or two classes I'll probably have to repeat the beginners course. I cannot reschedule or take classes during the day to offset like I can at the Combato Academy.
I also don't know a lot about the KM instructor. I have read some mention of his experience & he is supposed to be very good. Brad Steiner is world-class however. I'll know once I get in there. I really want to experience the course. I'm looking forward to the workout itself... but I'm especialy interested in the stress management & conditioning.
As far as the fitness... I actually invested in the P90X package. I think I'm going to take a month to prep myself by doing the cardio or more likely the Kenpo X & possibly some of the yoga. I'd like to shed a bit more flab before I go into teh full program. The "roomies" are going to be gone next week... so that will actually gice me an opportunity to use the front room for the first few workout sessions. Grooviness!
There was a time (and not too long ago) when I would have scoffed at the P90X program. The host is annoying enough... but the entire premise goes against my dungeon dog mentality as far as strength training. Well, doing strictly strength traiing isn't doing it for me right now. I don't want to take a year to get back into shape & I know from experience that;
1) I won't be all that dedicated to walking, or running or treadmill work without some kind of focus
2) I can drop weight ridiculously fast on kamikaze aerobic programs!
I studied Tang Soo Do for a while when I was just out of high school. When I entered that class I weighed 250 pounds. I dropped to a weight of 190 pounds in six weeks. I was attending four nights per week & those classes were ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL! I estimate that on average I probably threw over 200 kicks per night. I have no idea how many punches. Never was there a night where we were not completely drenched in sweat within 30-minutes. It was fantastic. Between that & the workouts at Temple Kung Fu, I was in incredible shape. I'd love to be that limber again as well.
I know that if I'm accepted to attend in Orlando, I'll be training with guys who are younger than I am. I need to make certian that my physical conditioning is not only on par, but superior to theirs. I need that to only for the physical portiopns of the training, but the alertness, concentration & other brain & nervous functions as well. If I get this opportunity, I INTEND TO OWN IT!
1 comment:
Self defense training can save you from the attacks in the real world. In real world an attack is usually over within a short time. A proper self defense training will allow you to use simple techniques to instantly avoid the attacker.
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