I'm becomming a much more interested in the CrossFit training method. The Krav Maga should actually gel very nicely as it basically qualifies as one of their "alternative sports" (or activities). It should give me the extra aerobic & strength conditioning that I need. I have to start shooting e-mails out to them NOW to make certian that I don't miss the start date AGAIN! The current session ends on June 11th which should have the new one beginning either the 25th or July 1st. I can see them taking an extra week due to the 4th (though it falls on a Saturday this year... so perhaps it will begin July 8th. The donwer there is that it may mean less than a year of training.

I'll start up the walking again this weekend. Within a week or two I should be able to get started on the Couch-to-5K. This time I'll remember to stretch properly afterwards... & daily. That really sidelined me last year. Still recovering from the accident & working my lower body that hard without continuing the stretching routine was downright stupid.
After that I'll start up on the CrossFit. Once I get to a certain fitness level, I may incorporate some of the P90X training in there as well. It depends on how well I respond to the CrossFit routines. I suspect that they will be more than enough to keep me building the foundation. It will be odd to be doing so many different activities, but also refreshing. I certainly won't be able to complain about being bored. Also, it's something different every day.
I'll need to be careful & balance the training sessions though. They have an odd work | rest schedule. Sometimes it's one day off, the next time it's two. It depends on the training & excercises for that particular day. Some of the days are also active rest days... training with less resistance or at an easier pace.
It also appears that most of the workouts center around fewer exercises that even I normally do. My normal standby, the 5x5 has only the four core movements & some extra neck & abdominal work. Some of their WOD's are one exercise worked nearly to failure... though the reps & sets are preset. Not much guess work there. A lot of the exercises will be new to me. Others I've done hundreds if not thousands of reps on. I also don't think that I'll need any additional equipment. Except...
Looking at their site got me interested again in sandbag training... as well as the kettle bells & Indain clubs. Both are excellent tools... & naturally I have a source for that gear. Okay. I'm out. I was planning on getting up earlier tomorrow but I don't think I will. If necessary, I'll put in an extra hour or so at work. I'm taking Friday off, but I need to drive by the new building sometime this weekend. I haven't been over there yet. I've seen a few photos of the lab... very sterile.
Lastly, it sounds as if my contract has been extended at least until sometime in October. That's the rumor from the girl that I work with. Her husband is an FTE & has access to the contingency status listings. I haven't heard from Populus... but neither has she. She started a month or more after I did however, so her extension may be coming later.
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