I'm taking tomorrow... ehr... today off. The move is happening & there won't be much if anything to do. Speaking of things not working; The AdSense content for the right margin banner is still behaving oddly. Upon opening the blog the latest page shows first... & the ad banner is missing. Once I begin opening the older blog posts, it's back. The one positive thing is that for about 90% of the time, the content is directly related to the post content.
Right now I'm sitting here thinking yet again about goals... & how work relates to desire & achievement. I’m once again thinking about how my attitude or understanding towards this relationship has changed recently. It’s a relatively new experience for me. I’ve had goals before but many of them have not received the proper focus. Some of that makes me wonder just how badly I actually wanted what I was looking to. Diligence & desire are the keys.
I think that the first time I actually focused on anything in this fashion was when I began working towards paying off my debt load. That was an intentional plan & it worked very well. I’m still at it, but I’ve made a significant impact on my credit rating over the past few years. Once you manage to get rolling on something like this you tend to stay consistent when you see the benefits.
It’s all about the consistency & knowing the steps. In fact, I would say that the steps aren’t nearly as important as keeping on track. I remember reading once about how it’s not so important what you do… the important thing is to DO SOMETHING. Don’t just stand there looking at the headlights or whatever. This idea was originally presented to me in the arena of self—defense… but it is equally applicable to just about anything else. If the course you are currently on is what got you into the current situation… then do SOMETIHNG to get out of it. What you do is not as important as making that initial movement to get onto a different path.
So this is where I'm at currently. The mating of the two subjects of contemplation; doing something to get me onto another path... & pondering my goal of attending executive protection training . I'm already aware of the goal. I know the steps required for me to at least be prepared to attend. So the question will be; do I want it bad enough to initiate the "program" and then continue it until I'm successful.
One mistake that I can see is assuming that there is a "perfect moment" for something, anything to be initiated. That's a load of bull! It's the excuse given by those who do not have the fortitude to make change happen. As I said... DO SOMETHING! Don't wait. Initiate the process. The litmus test in how badly any of us actually desire to reach a goal os whether or not we're willing to sacrifice & work to get it. If we're not, them apparently we didn't really want it.
I think this is an issue that points to some of the societal issues we're currently facing... but I digress. I've been willing to make do the financial steps, at least up to this point. I'm nearly at the point where I have the deposit saved. I noticd that I'm also now only a little less than $2k from having the full course tuition for the High Risk Operator Course. That's GREAT! However... I told myself that I wouldn't settle for taking that course.
CASS is one of... if not THE premier executive protection training facility in the US; possible in the world, save the one operated by the US Secret Service. They run the longest & most inclusive course in the US... & again possibly in the world. If I'm actually going to do this, I wouldn't want to study anywhere else. I'm also intimidated. It's a huge step for anyone & especially me. As I get closer to having the tuition, I'm beginning to get butterflies...
What to do? Stay focused... & start training as soon as possible. Forget the end game for awhile & simply begin putting in the time. Let things take care of themselves & simply continue to take one step after another. As I said the other days... one bite at a time. I suspect that as the fitness level climbs & the Spanish language practice really begins to kick in, the butterflies will disappear & my confidence will skyrocket.
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