I should start working on the cardio as well. I have a few weeks until the next Krav Maga session begins... & YES... I am going to try one more time to get into that class. That extra cardio twice per week will be a great help, along with the self-defense training. I think that the Kenpo X would be a great starting point... thought he full one-hour session may kill me! If I don't make it this time then I'll make other plans.
I need to start focusing on my preperations for the EP training BEFORE I apply for the course. I want to be able to tell those guys during teh phone interview (provided I actually get it) precisely what type of physical training I'm involved in so that they know I'm consistent... and serious.

I dropped weight very quickly during that last phase of weight training thanks to the three-day-per-week regimin. I think that will work well, even with the Krav training provided I work the schedule to allow for adequate rest. I'm assuming that the basement has warmed up. As far as work goes, once I get involved in the self-defense classes (Krav or Combato) work is going to take asecond place on my list of priorities. Do I need to repeat again that I do not care about that job or that indstry except as the means to get me out of it? Essentially, they are now paying me to leave.
The Combato schedule would be much easier to manage. I neccessity required, I could skip out of work before noon, get in a class & go back to the hole to finish that days jobs. For the Krav schedule, I'll have to leave in the evening, get in the class & come back, looking at late night twice-per-week. Not good... but I really do want to test that system. I think that is has what I'm looking for in a system... & it's available around the globe. Combato is not.

I want to experience the stress training aspects of Krav Maga ad see if they are effective or not. I also want to learn the weapons disarm techniques. Provided the applications are useful, the system should be a great addition to my training package. With only two session per week though, I'm going to have to augment the practice on my own time. Two additional aerobic & bag sessions per week should do it. I think I can likely approximate their training session sans partner with the equipment that I have. I can certainly get the strikes & conditioning training covered. The trick is that with that few training sessions, I cannot afford to miss any of them. I cannot schedule around work without a hassle either.

I contemplated today, that a time may come when I simply bail on the MS job completely after I get the course tuition paid for. This would be unfortunate however since it would mean taking a significant pay cut to go back to working security of some other contract. I don't want to do that but I also do not want to end up spending every night shackled to my desk, unable to train due to the workload. I anticipate that happening at soome point. I really don't see them keep the hold on overtime all the way through product release. Then again, the core tests are a known quanitity and we've been building on them being run based on a 40-hour week.
Ultimately, I just want to get back in shape, get through September & get enrolled at CASS for a training acourse in 2010. After re-reading the course prospectus & other material I feel more confident about beign accepted. I honestly believe that I can hosw them that I have the dedication to attend, graduate & prosper in the field of close protection. Again, we'll see just how serious I actually am when I start geting on withthe preparation. Saving the money is the easy part.

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