So it's time to start cranking. I cannot afford to pull ANY money from savings now. (Luckily for me, I put some extra aside for this anyhow.) To get extra cash, I was planning on copying all of my music CD's to hard disk & selling the CD's. I may also begin dumping firearms. Sad yes... but even selling one will put me around $600 ahead.
I know that the economy isn't great for the seller... but with a good price, I should be able to unload the P220 for $600 fairly quickly. I'd sell them all if it would get me into the course... but again it depends on how they respond to my application. I will be including a letter... and I'm going to be honest about my interest & motivation for this training.

This is actually better in away; e.g., Fall & not Spring... because it means that I will have over a year to apply myself to the Spanish language, Krav Maga & some additional studies of close protection methodologies. I can also take another testing contract & simply commit to six months or so.
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