Monday, January 12, 2009

Ramping Up For Fitness

Today I downloaded some podcasts for the Couch to 5k program.

I picked up the "tunes" version from

There are other versions including one with no music & the cadence cues only... which I may switch to. The techno-junk stuff may get to me after a while. The cadence only downloads allow you to put your own music in or just do without.

Later this week I plan on dropping by Fry's & pick up an inexpensive MP3 player. I need one that will either clip on or fit an arm sling. I'll also need some ear buds. I really hate the idea of doing anything with headphones or ear buds in. I don't like losing the sense of sound when I'm out in the real world. There's too much that can happen & I prefer to see it coming.

So I should be able to start this program next week. I should also be starting the new job sometime that week. I can conceivably do the daytime runs during my lunch hour if I choose to. It depends on how the schedule shakes out. I don't want that added time during the day to interfere with the self-defense training. I badly need to start back into the weight training as well. I really feel like I'm wasting away. I've been losing weight lately... but it's starting to feel like rather than the fat going away, I'm losing that last of my muscle mass.

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