Back on the blacktop Sunday. I slept in due to being out late the night before. I hit the trail at around 10:30 AM. The heat was already building & though it was probably only in the mid-70's it felt hotter.
This was another 25-minute session. Weeks 5 & 6 had the seperate change-up session. Now we're back to 3-of-a-kind for each week. I think I may actually prefer just doing the same segments three times per week. It seems easier for me to get into the groove. As I'm running now I find that the short rest sections tend to skew my rythm when I start up again. I no longer miss them.
Certainly, when I'm chugging along... & subconsciously wanting to stop... & lay down... I miss stopping and walking but there's a stronger urgency to get the mileage done & behind me. Now I find myself more & more often going beyong teh 1/2 way mark & extending my distanc on the outbound leg. This gets it overwith & the return leg of the jaunt ends up being a longer walking & cool down phase.
I estimated last week that the average trip is getting me around 2.8 miles; 1.4 out & 1.4 back. I need to get a better handle on the distance but this is based on the few mileqage markers on the paved trail as well as Google maps indicators. So it's a rough estimate. I tend to estimate under rather than over.
Sunday I pushed it out on the outbound leg & hit 1.6 miles. So my overall was 3.2 miles... or easily a full 5k. When I finally get to the point where I'm running the full 5k (3.125 mile) segments I'd like to know where the landmarks are. I started out doing this by time... not distance but it appears that I've managed to push myself out there anyhow.
So even without being able to match the BPM's I'm still hitting the distance. I do need to begin monitoring my heart rate to see how I'm doing in that area. It doesn't really feel like I'm pushing it all that hard. I don't feel as stressed cardio wise after one of these runs as I do after climbing the stairs out of the parking garage at work.
Running the 25-minute sessions puts me two weeks out from running a full 5k. So I suppose I'll be running a full 30 minutes with only a 4 to 5-minute wwarmup... & I'm not sure how they're adding in the cool down. The sessions have been running 34-minutes up to this point. So that's 5 minutes at the front end for a warmup & 4-minutes at the back for cool down. The 5-minute warmup is just long enough to get me passed the first intersection on the paved path off of 162. The additional outbound time that I tacked onto the run on Sunday was around 5-minutes. I hit the cool down segment nearly 10-minutes out from the parking lot.
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