Thursday, August 20, 2009

Interval Session Twenty-Six

I'm almost done with the "training phase" of the Couch-to-5k. Podrunner calls this their "First Day to 5k"... but it's the same thing. They're all variartions of the same interval (Fartlek) systemization.

It was nearly 90-degrees today but it didn't really feel that hot. My only comments on this are that:

1) I didn't feel as "challenged" on the return leg as I did on Sunday

2)I had to stop twice to tie my re-tie my shoes

3) The running segment ended earlier than I thought it would... right around where the 28-minute segments were.

So... what I'm discering from number three is that I was likely taking shorter strides... but my cadence seemed faster yesterday. Odd... but I run again Friday & I'll take a more serious look at it.

I know that I felt much stronger last night than last weekend. Usually if I skip an extra day in the middle of one of these segments, I feel weaker... like I lost conditioning. I think I may have still been recovering from the Thursday rain run on Sunday. This time the extra rest did me good. Add the fact that I waited until Sunday afternoon to run... when I should have gotten up & done it in the AM... maybe thre was a motivation issue as well.

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