Thursday, July 30, 2009

Not Tonight!

I should be beginning week 7 of the Couch-to-5k tonight. It's "supposed to be" cooler. Actually, it feels cooler today compared to yesterday... but then it's only noon-thirty. Not gonna' happen.

At the beginning of my last session I noticed that I was beginning to have some lower back issues. I already knew why & I knew where it was headed. Since running that session "in the dirt" the lower back & pelvic ailments I suffered from last year have returned with a vengeance.

Currently I'm needing to suck down Ibuprofin every four hours or the pain reaches the point whwre I cannot stand erect at all. I stretched last night & it helped... but the heat prevented me from doing as much of that as I would have liked. So tonights plan is to stretch... very long stretch... very long stretch again... drink a few beers... very long stretch again... then ice the crap out of it!

I already know exactly what to do & I know exactly what's going on. My glutes are reaching critical mass... becomming so tight that they're pulling my hips & pelvis out of alignment. So I probably need to be stretching in the morning and evening every day for a while. That & I need to start strengthening my back with deadlifts, squats & whatever else I can manage.

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