Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Interval Session Fifteen...

Tuesday was day three of week 5. I was still stiff & sore from the run on Sunday but because I didn't want to get into the traditional "I'm okay to skip, skip, skip... Hey I haven't worked out in over a month!" pattern. Only when I actually began that session & turned on the MP3 player did I realize that the sessions was going to consists of the warmup, followed by a solid 20-minute run & then the cooldown... which seemed to be about 90-seconds long. They said at the beginning of that recording "You'll really see how far you've come." No kidding. After 10-minutes I was thinking "Yeah! I can do this!" After another 5 minutes & I wanted to kill myself. I had to force myself to quit looking at my damned watch because it appeared to not only have stopped, but to be running backwards!

I made it through... & the worst part of it was... MY QUADS! My legs were what wanted to quit! Not my heart, not my lungs... my legs. So I now know what my weak link is... & I can begin working ot fix this. This is what hhas me wondering how much additional exercise I can do. Will squats help with this? Should I be doing a full-body routine, two to three days per week?

I'm still looking at the 5x5 & contemplating making changes so that I can adjust it to fit the CrossFit criteria. I'd basically be doing teh squats one day, then bent over rows, then probably drop the OHP's & high pulls & combine those by doing the clean-and-press. Of course, the ceiling in the basement is too low as is the top of my power rack... so I'd need to either do these with smaller plates... or do them outside.

I'm over half way through this program & I have to say that the system makes it fairly simple. I have to assume that this 20-minute session is probably the worst of it because the sessions are only 30-minutes long to begin with. So adding the additional 10-minutes of running over the next four weeks won't be much of a stretch. I'm already running for 2/3 of the alotted time.

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