Ugh! It was 93-degrees in Puyallup this afternoon when I rolled up to the trailhead. Crimany! It didn’t feel that hot at first. It actually looked like some overcast was going to come in and cool things off. WRONG! That was only to taunt me. As soon as I hit the trail the sun was back out… beating down. I didn’t notice it on the way out, but on the way back it began to get extremely uncomfortable. I’d chugged about 16 ounces of agua before setting out. I figure I burned that off in about 10 or 15-minutes. Then I was running dry.
I’m still not jazzed about dragging a water bottle along during these short jaunts. If I were doing something akin to a 10k… then I would definitely want to have a decent sized bottle. Heck, I may even invest in a CamelBack vest. However, running in a vest means adding more weight and insulation, so it’s a trade off. I just don’t like the idea of having to either hold the bottle in my hands… or endure it banging about while I run.
I've found some other options like the stainless water bottles, which I like but again, you're dragging that thing around and with 32 ounces of liquid it's not going to be light. I suppose I need to look into some of the harness and strapping systems. The belt systems look too much like a nerds fanny pack. Also, the bottles stillslam around. I'd prefer something that gets the load up aboe the waist and hips. Hence the CamelBak vest idea. The original versions are fairly small and unobtrusive.
Back to the run:
I noticed once again tha my gait is becomming smoother and more balanced. I actually felt like I was running today as opposed to tromping with a pogo stick attached to each leg. My steps are beginning to roll more rather than dropping. Within another week or two I should have things down fairly well.
Something that I failed to mention before... I've managed to lose 30 pounds somewhere between January and now. How I don't know. I have been drinking a lot less beer, but I though I was making up for it by eating utter crap every other week or so. Apparently I have not entirely pooched the healthier eating habits. That's around 10-pounds per month without even working at it. Gee, imagine what I can do if I'm actually trying to get healthier. Idiot!
Now I'm REALLY looking forward to the Krav Maga session starting up again! Doing that two nights per week should kick things fairly hard. I think that I may need to decrease the frequency of the runs and lengthen the distance. So I might be running 7 to 10 kilometers, twice per week. I already have a fairly good idea where the 10k marker is on the trail that I run. I've walked it many times.
The running is coming together very well. I can already feel the difference from day to day. Once I start the additional training I'm going to be nigh unto death... for a while. Then when it kicks in I'm going to be nearly unstoppable. The last piece of the puzzle is going to be the strength training. The strength training... and figuring out how in the heck I'm going to get any rest. On that note, I have noticed that even with this heat, I'm sleeping better and feeling more energetic at work. I'm not falling asleep in front of the television any longer.
One last thing: I pulled out a pair of my old Rudds lycra shorts to run today. Actually, my legs look pretty good. It's the load above them that's frightening! Those things were GREAT though. It's unfortunate that the company went out of business. They were certainly a lot more comfortable than the sweats would have been!
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