The fact of the matter here is that quality-of-substance is a non-issue. If you cram enough bells & whistles into a product, it doesn’t matter whether or not it’s functional for the basic purpose… because it’s COOL! Picture a Formula 1 racer sans running engine. Nice to look at but you won’t be taking that sucker out onto the track any time soon. You can pump all of the “great ideas” that you want into something but if with every change you make each intended function less usable… it’s rather pointless, yes?
Then there’s the total lack of communication around here. It’s like we have at least two separate companies working on the same job. I think I understand something of what Lee felt at Gettysburg. He was wondering what happened to Jackson & his cavalry while Jackson is off joyriding & burning warehouses 100-miles away, oblivious to the coming destruction.
On a brighter note, I hit the 1/3 mark today as far as funding for the EP training. It's a rough estimate, putting the $6,170 as the minimum & only being able to pay for the course & airfare. Again, all this assumes that my application is accepted... & that I either remain employed for the entire 6-months... or that I risk paying my deposit & work toearn the rest before I attend, hopefully early in 2010. It's a tough call & I suspectthat part of my motivation for preperations isn't really going to kick in until I shell out that $3500 deposit.

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