I doubt that most people take a hard, serious look at how much money they "blow" every month. I'm starting to... & it's pretty darned depressing. I'm getting a lot better at this though. I've taken to buying my groceries rather than habitually grabbing dinner at the stop-and-choke on the way home from work. I easily save at least $100 per month that way. A food budget of $40 goes surprisingly long way for one guy. The only drawbackis that eventually one gets tired of the soup-&-sandwich fare. I'd probably cook for myself more if the commute didn't wipe me out & take such a significant chunk of the evening.
Once again I'm seriously looking at stopping the cigarette & latte` habit. I just crunched the numbers yet again & estimating on the high end - assuming a pack of smokes & a single latte` every day of the week... that's $3650 per year! Yikes. If I just quit & stuffed that money into my savings account for the next six months it would add over $1800 to my Orlando account. That's over 1.75 months savings since I'd planned on putting $1k per-month into that account.
That means that I'd have the cash BEFORE the six-month date. So in case things wind down on this contract in April or may & I don't get a full six months, let alone a full year, I could still be on-schedule. The extra two months of employment would be gravy & travel money. So now I have to start focusing once again on just how serious I am about breaking out of IT & into EP.
I've been thinking a lot again about the difference between goals & dreams. I should do some research on "tricks" for goal planning & pursuit. Did you ever notice that the clowns that do the motivational speaking hardly ever actually give any useful advice? I wonder if it's because they cannot explain how one "motivates" themselves.
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