So I don't even have time to get psyched about this. I was actually planning on working late tomorrow evening, but that should still give me enough time to get across the bridge & get to the class by 6:30 PM. Two weeks smoke free... I hope my lungs are up to it. I've got adequate gear for this beginning session.
This should be interesting. I want to find out if this system is going to work fo rme. It certainly seems like the most practical one for me; easy to learn, applicable to multiple scenarios & based on natural, instinctive movements. I'm also hoping that it will mesh with me and that I'll be able to utilize the skills in the EP training & future work.
Of course I'm still going around in circles mentally as to whichsystem would benefit me the most. I already have time invested in American Combato & as I've said before, it is a known quantity. The techniques are PROVEN & I've developed a knowledge & appreciation of the culture surrounding them & the individuals who espouse this type of self-defense. Men like Steiner, Applegate, Fairbairn, Cestari, Tegner, Nelson and Underwood.

One significant benefit of the Combato school is that the schedule is much more adaptable. I can train more than two days per week. If I miss a training session I can make it up. If I miss several, I don't have to restart my training.
The other issue is the quality of training. While I don't accept all of the negative remarks I see in regards to Krav Maga, the westernization of the system worries me. I don't want to waste time & money studying a glorified version of Tai-Bo.
Of course, most of the negative responses I've seen come from the MMA & BJJ "gurus" who claim that one cannto defend against multiple opponents. They say that one MuSt spar in order to appreciate "combat". They also state that "You fight like you train". This last one is the most telling lie. Yes, you DO fight like you train. They train on mats in a dojo, with rules. They spar with pads & boxing-style gloves. They fight according to rules & rounds. They only fight one-on-one. So how can they comment on systems that avoid all of this? Talk about marketing.
Update: I give up! I missed it again. I ended up having to work until 6:30 tonight. Perfect timing, eh? That;s it. I'm going to make a call & set things up with Prof. Steiner & just get back into American Combato. I've wasted too much time trying ot hit the window to get enrolled in the Krav classes.