Here's the original blog which has further details & some related news articles.
Most of the staffing agencies are transferring the entire cut directly to their contract employees. I'm not sure what my company is going to do. I'm scheduled to have lunch with my rep next Monday to get the news. I'm hoping that they decide to absorb at least some of the cut themelves. A 5% cut is better for me than taking the etire 10% out of my paychecks. That's around $300 per month less gross... & essentially sinks my current budget. It would really put a squeeze on my savings plans fo the year.
Even worse news is that they have decided that all new hires will have their wages cut by 15%. This effectively makes the entry level wage for an STEII a little under $15 per hour. That's pathetic & I cannot help but think that much of this decision (at least the amount being cut) was based on the current economic conditions & the fact that it's highly unlikely that most people will be in any condition to refuse work. Even if the pay rate offered is a slap in the face. Interesting response from a company that virtually depends on contingency staffers to survive thourgh product release.
Needless to say, a lot of people are... "unhappy". There've been the usual threats of quitting & sueing. Great idea that. I don't know of anyone I work with that can afford to do this. It's completely unrealistic. The people sign on to this are likely to be blacklisted. Even if they aren't, they'll be forced to take a 30-day break-in-service... & then come back at an even lower rate; that 15% cut I mentioned.
My advice?, Shut up. Swallow your pride & make the money that you can... while you can. Me?, I'm hoping to be employed for a full year. I've said before that I want to of this industry & it certainly looks like I'm not going to have a choice in the matter soon. I won't say that they're forcing my hand... but there's little point in continuing on when I hate the work, have no respect for (most) of the people & now the money isn't even all that good.
So, with a little luck... and a LOT OF WORK, I'll be doing something else soon enough.

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