Wednesday, June 1, 2011

If Ever You Are Confronted By The Prospect Of Abduction

Sword and Pen – February 2011 Issue

[Reprinted With Permission]

ABSURDLY (in our opinion) this web site and our other ( have been officially firewalled by our Nation’s
armed forces. We got this piece of information from one of our students who is
presently on active duty in our military. We can conjecture why this is so, and it leads to very unpleasant observations about the state of our culture and American society in general, in this 21st century.

Somehow, the idea that soldiers, marines, airmen, naval personnel and coast
guardsmen are peace keepers has crept into that which passes for our “thinking” today. This has led to a dangerous reduction in the capability of our armed forces, and also to a drop in the quality of the motivation in those who are now attracted to enlist in one or another of the services. A “social worker” or “police officer” mentality is not the appropriate one for a warrior whose responsibility is the defense of the nation against tough, hard, armed, aggressive, deadly foreign invaders. We knew this once. And when we did (i.e. at the start of and through to the middle of the last century) we won the righteous world wars in which we fought. American citizens were safe when traveling overseas. The very real threat of the MIGHT of America descending upon any who would dare to threaten a U.S. citizen meant that zanies, freaks, and fanatical killers of all types normally left Americans alone. People were attracted to the armed forces by appealing to their desire to stand up for and fight against the enemies of our Republic. Pride in their ability to attack, destroy, and kill when compelled to engage in a war was commonplace. Soldiers were taught to be proud of their prowess; not to apologize for it. The private citizenry was proud of our Nation’s fighting capability, hardly inclined to apologize for it. We had a WAR Department then, not a Department of Defense.

Failing to appreciate the need for and great value in being able to fight and fight well inevitably leads to weakness and to helplessness — in a nation or in an individual.

Let’s say it plainly: Decent human beings should possess the capacity and the
equipment to be a deadly threat to any who pose a deadly threat to them. Being
armed — with knowledge, skill, and weapons — is absolutely nothing to
apologize for, to anyone
. In our opinion it is virtually an obligation upon every citizen to be so prepared; however “politically incorrect” the simpering, feminized weaklings may whimper to the contrary.

And they do whimper. Sometimes officially.

Whenever we teach members of our armed services (and we do so unofficially
today, when they come to us — as they often do) we teach them things that,
amazingly, contradict the policies that they are forced to obey as members of their
service. We never advocate the violation of whatever policies regulate these
people as members of our military, but we do hope that circumstances might
change and therefore allow them to make use of that which we teach them. Until
such time, of course, we simply teach them for academic purposes, only, and ask them to retain what we give them, in hopes that the command structure will issue a green light on behalf of that which we teach, in the near future. (Note: This is something like the situation that existed at the FBI when J. Edgar Hoover first became its Director. Special Agents were trained to use firearms, but they could not yet carry them and use them on the job, as the law had not yet authorized the arming of Federal agents. We give our marvelous fighting men our best — and hope and pray that sanity will intervene on high, and that that which we train them to do, they will be officially permitted to do!).

One thing we teach every serviceman is to go NOWHERE when serving overseas
without being armed with a reliable handgun and a razor sharp fighting knife.
Skill in the use of these crucial implements of personal defense is of course
mandatory. The snatching of our uniformed servicemen and holding them
prisoner by enemies of Western Civilization is not an uncommon occurrence. It
isn’t really all that difficult to accomplish, either. All too often our courageous
fighting men are forbidden to carry any weapons when on leave, abroad. Their present systems of unarmed combat are — in our opinion — laughably absurd and ineffective in the extreme. Thus, when on leave, those wonderful people who risk and lay their lives down to protect us are actually forced to be helpless, by official policy!

As a citizen of the United States of America we resent this and see it as a
disgraceful imposition upon some of the most wonderful young people of each
generation. We want our fighting men safe. We want them ready, willing, and able
to fight back and win, and to be able to save their lives and assist their fellows
under any and all conditions.
And we could not care less if this bothers anyone or makes them uncomfortable.

We have no power or authority to influence or to alter “official policy”. However,
we do have the power and the authority to influence and to alter our students’ personal survival and self-defense policies. We hope also to be able to influence our readership — those who visit this site. I.e. Y O U!

The problem of abduction (kidnap) is a very real and serious threat. Perhaps it is a
bit more of a threat for females, but it would be the height of folly to ignore the
very real fact that males are also targeted for this form of violation.

It can happen to you; it can happen to a member of your family. This is but one good reason to make learning close combat and self-defense a priority. And if and when you do finally get off your duff and learn how to use your natural and any available manufactured weapons, applying what you learn by remembering the following tactical principles should make you a very hard individual to abduct:

1. Basic Rule: Never allow yourself to be transported away from the scene of the abduction attempt. If it is humanly possible for you to put up a ferocious battle then and there, do!.

The objective of abductors is to abduct you, not to kill you; and so even when they are armed it is not their intention to use their weapons against you lethally then and there, but rather to coerce you into following their orders, or permitting them to do whatever it is their intention to do (tie you up, gag you, shove you into a vehicle, etc.). You are safer resisting abduction efforts at the scene of the attack than you will be later on, if they successfully manage to take you away.

2. If you find yourself being rushed or seized suddenly, without warning, react immediately and as lethally as your capacity permits. Deadly force is legal, moral, and necessary in order to prevent a determined kidnap attempt from being successfully carried out. This is not the time for hesitation or halfway measures. Use deadly force and any weapon — manufactured or improvised — that is available to you! Your ferocity and animal determination to kill and to get away no matter what you must do must be made evident by your growling, grimacing, and relentless efforts to attack and attack and attack!

[Photo: Female executing chin-jab with bracing arm against male assailant.]


3. If you are confronted by one or more weapon-bearing abductors who have
managed to approach you closely before you realize their intention, pretend
complete submission
. Give up. Tell him/them that you will do what they want. Plead, “Just don’t hurt me!” Convincingly assure them, if there is time, that you will offer no resistance. THEN ATTACK WITH DEADLY FORCE WHEN YOU PERCEIVE THAT THEY ARE CONVINCED THEY’VE “GOT YOU”.

4. What you must not permit to be done to you:

• Be handcuffed or tied up
• Be locked in the trunk of a vehicle
• Be proned out or made to kneel on the ground
• Be taken aboard a plane or vessel

Murderous resistance must begin — preferably by surprise — when it is clear that any of the foregoing is about to happen.

[Photo: Female bound to chair & gagged.]


5. Should you be driving and suddenly encounter a roadblock and attack, or
realize that you are being pursued, DO NOT STOP YOUR VEHICLE. (Obviously we are not now referring to police roadblocks, or to the awareness that a police officer is signaling you to pull over!) Keep driving! Place your hand on the horn and blast it constantly as you drive. Never stop your vehicle. So long as it is in motion you are far safer than when it is stopped. In an urban area, drive to a fire or police station.

6. Should you gain the upper hand during your resistance effort, get the hell out of there! Do not attempt to remain and continue fighting, or to remain and call for help, or anything. Get away, and as fast as you are able to do so.

7. In your home common sense can prevent a successful abduction. Be armed. Be
prepared. Be willing and able to greet any forcible entry to your home with
immediate deadly force.

[Photo: General James Lee Dozier - U.S. Army]

Note: NATO’s Deputy Chief of Staff, General James Lee Dozier, for those who
are old enough to remember the incident, was abducted successfully from his
apartment because he opened the door to the kidnappers when they knocked.


8. While, ideally, you should always be armed — with a razor sharp fighting knife and a powerful handgun (servicemen; and whenever lawful and feasible,
private citizens, too!) — unless you can bring your weapon into play before
physical contact occurs, you need to create distance, time, and space, so that you can effectively bring your weapon into play. Thus you MUST have unarmed combat abilities, and they need to be really good; no “martial artsy” bullshit or competition technique.

9. Ignore completely any injuries that you sustain as you resist. Knife or gunshot wounds are rarely fatal, and only certain death will result if you pause to assess any injuries. Get away, and then you can get to a hospital. Remain at the scene, and you’ll likely end up in the morgue.

While many will doubtless wince or raise their eyebrows in disdain for the advice
that we have presented, this remains some of the most valuable, authentic,
reliable, and practically usable LIFESAVING advice you’ll ever receive. In fact it parallels such instruction that we have given to the highest priority military and intelligence personnel employed by our Nation.

If an abduction attempt can be prevented by security measures — human and
technological — that is of course ideal. But we are now concerned with the last
ditch option: That of resisting an abduction attempt that could not be avoided
through detection, surveillance, and/or security procedures.

Might you not be killed when attempting to resist, for instance, a terrorist or other abduction? Yes, certainly. However, your “chance” of being killed becomes a near certainty if you do not resist. Besides — let’s be frank — is it not better to die quickly fighting for your life, than to die under torture, perhaps being beheaded on the internet? Is that not a preferable manner for you to die, too, as far as your loved ones are concerned? Which manner of death that you suffer — i.e. an immediate death, or a protracted, public, and tortuously prolonged death — is more likely to haunt those who love and who care about you, for the rest of their lives?

Yes, this subject is hardcore and unpleasant. That’s what real world self-defense
generally is.

We will consider describing some methods for escape and evasion if this present editorial discussion has not turned too many off with that which it has doubtless caused to be conjured up in their minds. (We have, for the time being, only described some principles for coping with the immediate abduction attempt.

Suppose you are in fact a captive? What then?)

To be continued then, at some future time.

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