Friday, August 16, 2013

My Match experience so far...

    Firstly, I'll tell you that worse than Match is Zoosk or ANY other Farcebook connected dating tool. Don't believe me? Setup up a free account with virtually ZERO personal information and see just how many "women" (or men... depending on your sexual persuasion or bent) are suddenly aware of and interested in you. Oh... you can see their (non-existent) profiles if you sign up. Then delete the account and note that these fictitious personalities are STILL miraculously interested in you... even though your profile no longer exists. This includes the new version Social Love which is the same basic scam with a different name.

    On to Match. The members are real. Though though you'll quickly notice that you get more attention the further away (and younger than you) the parties are. it would seem to the casual observer that if I were living in Florida, Texas or New York for example... I could bury myself with hot little nymphs half my age. Not an unpleasant thought mind you but I've yet to get the angle. Maybe they'll try to sell me dirty photos but there can't possibly be much money in that since you can get pretty much anything you want in the way of porn on free sites.

   I'll tell you this right now... if you are a truly decent, honest, trust worthy guy... you stand virtually NO CHANCE of getting any traction on Match. At least not anywhere near Seattle. Conduct yourself in the fashion of a festering, puss pocket and you'll likely have to manage multiple dates per night.

  Based upon the profiles, 90% of the women on Match from Western Washington are "honest", "bubbly", "fun loving", "caring" or some derivative thereof. Interestingly that percentage roughly matches up with the number of members who are divorced. Something doesn't jibe there. It's my opinion... and this is an opinion shared by MULTITUDES of men (and an awful lot of women) that females are essentially neurotic, hormone driven creatures.  If this is remotely accurate, then the women in the Pacific Northwest are a level above and miles beyond the "average" female.

    I daily see comments within profiles about how the men on Match are rude, lack class, lack manners, are vulgar. Essentially they are describing the very types of repulsive, puerile, human detritus they they are attracted to. Am I mistaken in declaring that women CONTINUALLY gravitate towards the WORST type of male stereotype? The "bad boy". The mouth breathing, ass stinking, players who pollute society and, if there was ANY justice at all would ALL eventually contract syphilis and rot to death slowly and painfully. 

    I have a news flash for the females. These are males. They are not MEN. Most annoyingly, it is the WOMEN who have helped create this unpleasant phenomenon by lowering their own standards in the name of feminism. So women become more promiscuous and men respond. Now the women are SHOCKED that men expect sex without commitment and to be free to roam about and demand gratification with the mannerisms of a fur covered primate. Of course, this behavior is instinctive and even necessary for your fur covered primate. It propagates the species. The human species needs no further propagation. If anything it needs purging.

    The women on match typically follow the same pattern as the males. Looking at the pictures and rarely reading the full profiles. So ultimately it IS about physical appearance despite our being told that women are far less influenced than males by such things. With men it tends to be physical beauty. Money is the second biggest driving interest and I suppose that this makes sense for those women who are divorced or never married) with multiple children to raise. is an off shoot of Match and is run by the same company. Oh... but Chemistry uses "scientific" data to find matches. Funny... because I saw the same three things: Scammers like I encountered on Match, seemingly computer generated "interested" parties and contacts from women I would be interested if it was the only thing preventing the complete extinction of the human race.

    That bring up an interesting side point: Why is it that women find it completely acceptable to pair their nice (and she may indeed be VERY nice - personable) but chubby and unattractive friends upon any unsuspecting male but bring out a similar male to women and they don't want their friends going out with the guy?

    Not just sour grapes here. I am absolutely not the only male experiencing this frustration. Do some digging and read how it plays out for normal. attractive males in their 30's. The story repeats itself. I just don't believe that these systems are all that effective for "finding love".

    Lastly, if you're a guy looking for a pickup... just go out to F*ckbook or some similar site. The ladies on and other sites are not looking for a booty call. Honestly if they stated this up front they'd have to deal with fewer jerks but it doesn't seem to occur to many of them. That's very unfortunate because it purtifies the pool for those of us who have (somewhat) honorable intentions.

    I know I'm no Brad Pit but I do have some standards and frankly the expectation that I would be interested in someone who is far away from my own fitness level, appearance and interests frankly blows my mind. Their matching criteria is skewed. I've even seen matings where the individuals were lookng for mates with an age difference of 10 years. How do thse two people get "matched"? And why are the match-to-Match picks not the PRIMARY ones since they seem to be the ones with the 95% to 97% compatibility ratio?

    I'm not impressed. It wasn't any less frustrating than the bar seen for me. At least sin a bar I get to see live bodies. And you won't waste weeks trying to figure out if someone is interested.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

I finally tested for Brown 2nd Class. I've got the certificate but I still need to complete the written exam. Wow... a lot of writing involved. I thought that the 3rd Class was lengthy at over a dozen pages. This will probably be closer to 20 pages. I imagine that the 1st Class will be even more so.

Then there's the Black Belt thesis. I finally decided on a topic and have begun a VERY ROUGH outline. Strength training for self-defense: Developing explosive power. I'm not sure if that's the "official title" but that's the subject. That's also going to be somewhere around 30 pages and I'm developing a very keen interest in self-publishing it on Amazon (digital only to start) and seeing if it sells at all.

I've been VERY BUSY over the last few months doing physical training. No... really I have. Since re-dedicating myself to weight training back in April I've dropped from a snug size 40 to a very loose size 38. I think I'm actually fitting into one or two pairs of size 36. I don't have any idea what my body weight is right now but "weight" is actually irrelevant. It's the BFI (and not the ridiculous Federal standard either) that matters.

After only three months I'm noticing the difference and it's slowly beginning to show. I should look fairly good by the end of the year. I'm probably going to look INCREDIBLE by next April.

1st Class Brown will have me developing the Spontaneous Kata along with an additional 6... SIX!... attack combinations.  I really need to devote more time to this stuff because my weak point right now is correctly assigning the techniques to the appropriate belt levels. This is REQUIRED to graduate to 1st Degree Black Belt and I am NOWHERE near ready. So... can I get what I need by getting up 30-minutes early on weekdays (provided I actually do something with that time)? I'm not sure that I can because 30-minutes doesn't really leave much of a window. So it may mean getting up an hour early.... which honestly is going to SUCK! But... a goal is something that yo go after. I either do it at night or I do it in the morning.

And one more thing... I need to quit watching television. Most of teh time I'm not really watching but I'll be setting in the living room and not realy doing any work. A few nights of the week I get roped into watching the various HBO productions that one of the roommates is into. (And it's become  obvious that she enjoys my joining her because her husband won't watch them with her.)

I'm looking at moving out and will probably end up in an apartment in Fife. It's the least expensive location around and I don't think that it will add that much time ot my commute. I hate the thought of spending the extra money every month ut honestly, if I was budgeting properly it wouldn't even be an issue.