Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I'm halfway through the second week of the new job. It's turning out to be a pretty good team & contract so far. Of course MS just announced MASSIVE LAYOFFS last week... so I have that to look forward to. We're at least one tester short of what we actually need but our manager doesn't want to interview or hire anyone until he knows what’s happening headcount wise.

So... is my job secure? Will I get to work here for a full year or even six months? Who the heck knows? I'm going to go forward with the idea - suspicion - premonition - whatchamawannacallit... that I'll only be here for six months. That seems to be the minimum that they hire for now. I'd really like to be here for a full year because my future plans rather depend on my being able to earn enough cash to manage my escape. I've estimated that I'll "need" close to $10k to do so.

Realistically, I need $5,270 for a course I wish to take in Orlando... & another $599 for airfare. I also want some additi0nal cash on top of that. This thing is an once-in-a-lifetime shot & I'm intentionally not advertising what I want to do. I've already had enough "friends" try to talk me out of it. What I find interesting is the way some people put up the appearance of being supportive & interested. Yet all the while they display all the signs of utter disinterest as they attempt to convince you not to take such risks. They wouldn't do it. They hope that you won't either. If one succeeds in such a life change, does it cause those close to you to feel diminished? It seems like this is an issue.

The worst part of this is that you can too often tell that these people are not even listening as you answer the questions that they've asked. The same questions come up time & again. You answer them yet again. Weeks later, rinse & repeat. When you provide documentation, they give it the briefest perusal, then put it down & never pick it up again. Yet they're "encouraging & supporting you". Mierda de toro.

Ahhh... I digress. It's not like I actually expect anyone to read let alone comment on this mental detritus. It just feels refreshing to vent & I notice that people tend to stare at me when I talk to myself.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Working again...

I've been herre a week. I'm working in a lab with the Zune Mobile team. This seems like a pretty good team & the interview went very well. (Described in an earlier blog.)

Currently, my "duties" consist mainly of running the automated tests; BVT's etc. I actually picked this stuff up fairly quickly. I must be more interested in this position that I was the last one.

This job is actually a combination of my two previous contracts. I'm working with Zune... but also on mobile devices. It's... nifty.

[more later...]

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ramping Up For Fitness

Today I downloaded some podcasts for the Couch to 5k program.

I picked up the "tunes" version from

There are other versions including one with no music & the cadence cues only... which I may switch to. The techno-junk stuff may get to me after a while. The cadence only downloads allow you to put your own music in or just do without.

Later this week I plan on dropping by Fry's & pick up an inexpensive MP3 player. I need one that will either clip on or fit an arm sling. I'll also need some ear buds. I really hate the idea of doing anything with headphones or ear buds in. I don't like losing the sense of sound when I'm out in the real world. There's too much that can happen & I prefer to see it coming.

So I should be able to start this program next week. I should also be starting the new job sometime that week. I can conceivably do the daytime runs during my lunch hour if I choose to. It depends on how the schedule shakes out. I don't want that added time during the day to interfere with the self-defense training. I badly need to start back into the weight training as well. I really feel like I'm wasting away. I've been losing weight lately... but it's starting to feel like rather than the fat going away, I'm losing that last of my muscle mass.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

No Krav

No Krav Maga. My "plan" was foiled thanks to a last minute job interview. I got a phone call around 11:30 AM that one candidate had cancelled his interview & asking if I'd be interested. Being... broke I said yes. I managed to haul myself in there a few minutes after 2 & endured the interview process. It "went well"... but I didn't get hired.

Not a great loss there. The position was for the operation of build servers & that means setting & watching... waiting for a blue screen. Then logging a bug & starting over. Those positions make for very long days because every build needs to be done by EOD. Sorry, but I need some free nights during the week.

As for the classes, I didn't have time to pack my workout clothing before I left for the interview. I couldn't wear my workout clothing to the interview... though it may not have made much difference now that I think about it. So I decided to drive all the way home (about 40 miles) & if possible, change into my gear & head north again. FAIL! It's a 40 minute drive on a good day. Wednesday was NOT a "good day". Heavy rain & idiot drivers. So no Krav possible until March. (They only allow enrollment at the beginning of each eight week period.)

So... I've decided to forego the Krav Maga training for now. Bradley Steiner teaches American Combato right across the street from that community center. If I was willing to drive all the way up there, then what the heck.

Besides, the Combato is a known quantity. I know what I'll be getting. It's time to nail down a system & get serious about training. That & developing a reasonable running & weight training program should have me in shape for the Target Focus Training course in March. I actually think that the TFT will mesh better with Combato than with Krav Maga.

Lastly, I had yet another interview today. It was everything that the previous one was not. I knew about it the day before so I was able to get up early (having done my laundry the night before!). I made it there early. As it turned out this position is actually something of a combination of my previous two contracts. I nailed it. In fact I was essentially hired about 2/3 of the way through. It feels pretty good knowing I'll be back in the grind in a week or so. I need the money.